Understanding Hair Loss

Understanding hair loss can be a frustrating experience for both men and women suffering from androgenetic alopecia. This hereditary disease is caused by a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which acts on genetically-succeptable hair follicles. Those suffering form hair loss will often try to treat the condition with changes in their diets, topical treatments, even supplements with little to no improvement. 

The NeoGraft hair restoration method can be used on facial hair, including eyebrows, sideburns, beard, mustache, and hair line. There are many reasons that an individual may suffer from facial hair loss including illness and aging.

Another cause of hair loss on the face may be alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes loss of hair. This autoimmune disorder may affect men, women, or children. There are several different types of hair loss which are classified depending on the part of the body that is experiencing the loss of hair. For example, alopecia barbae, affects facial hair and when it spreads to cover the entire scalp is called alopecia totalis. Alopecia areata affects between 1 to 2 percent of the population and is considered to be highly unpredictable.


NeoGraft provides hair loss sufferers with a new option. Unlike the traditional STRIP method, which requires the physician to surgically cut and remove a strip of the scalp from the back of the head and implant it into balding area, the high-tech NeoGraft FUE device extracts follicular units and repositions them in the thinning areas. This process alleviates any clumping of the transplanted hairs or scarring, producing a more natural look.

If you would like additional information about understanding hair loss, please contact Estetigraft today at 561.776.9555. Our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory DeLange has been providing patients in Palm Beach Gardens with the highest quality care for over 18 years.