Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is extremely common. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness and is caused by a lack of testosterone, which women have trace amounts of under normal conditions. Women suffering from androgenetic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Medical conditions, family history, hormonal changes and medications can also cause hair loss. 

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is a form of hair loss that occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia, which affects many women. Around 40% of women by age 50 will show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women actually reach age 80 with a full head of hair.

At Estetica Institute

We understand that hair loss can impact your life personally, professional and socially. Our experienced and dedicated team offers the NeoGraft hair restoration procedure for hair loss in women. This hair restoration procedure is minimally invasive and is unique because it offers patients minimal discomfort, no sutures or scars, no scalpel incisions. The procedure also offers a faster recovery time than others while providing natural looking results.

At Estetigraft Hair Restoration, we practice follicular unit transplantation (FUT), a refined and proven procedure known for producing a full, natural-looking head of hair. The NeoGraft method of hair restoration is a minimally invasive solution, which can treat male pattern baldness and female baldness in almost half the time of any other restoration procedure.Hair Restoration at Estetica Institute of the Palm Beaches

This Follicular Unit Transplantation, provides remarkable results. It is a safe, proven procedure that involves removing non-balding hair from the back of the head and transplanting it to other areas of the scalp. In these new locations, the transplanted hair continues to grow throughout the patient’s lifetime.

The NeoGraft procedure not only can be used for hair loss on the head, but it can also be used for the eyebrows, hair line, sideburns and more. If you would like additional information about the NeoGraft procedure or to schedule an appointment, please call 561.776.9555.