Why Choose NeoGraft for Hair Restoration?


NeoGraft hair restoration in an FDA cleared procedure that offers both men and women state-of-the-art technology and natural looking results. With this minimal invasive procedure, patients are able to get back to their active lifestyle more quickly than with other strip-method hair transplants. Why? This innovative procedure uses revolutionary technology and is the least invasive procedure of its kind. hair restoration

Additionally NeoGraft provides patients with little to no risk of complications, minimal discomfort, and no scalpel incision. Following the hair transplant procedure you can expect to have fewer activity limitations and the fastest recovery time of any surgical hair transplant option. The NeoGraft procedure offers patients the ability to resume normal daily activities after only a few days. The best candidates hair transplant surgery are men and women who suffer from genetic hair loss.

How does NeoGraft work? At Estetica Institute of the Palm Beaches, we use the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. This method is a refined and proven procedure known for producing a full, natural-looking head of hair. This new procedure delivers automation of the FUE technique, the most advanced technique in the hair transplant industry and treats male pattern and female pattern baldness in almost half the time of any other hair restoration procedure.

The Follicular Unit Extraction provides remarkable results for patients and is a safe, proven procedure. This hair restoration procedure involves removing non-balding hair from the back of the head and transplanting it to other areas of the scalp. Once placed in these new locations, the transplanted hair continues to grow throughout the patient’s lifetime. The hair can then be cut and styled just like the rest of the hair.

The hair loss specialists at Estetica Institute are dedicated to providing patients with remarkable results. For more information about hair restoration or to schedule an appointment at Estetica Institute of the Palm Beaches, please call 561.776.9555 today.