The future of hair restoration is here. Neograft provides patients with the latest in hair transplant technology using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. The FUE hair restoration method is a minimally invasive procedure in which the graft from the back of the head is harvested individually and then placed in the thinning or balding areas.

The Neograft hair transplant method also makes it possible to replace facial hair, including eyebrows, sideburns, beard, mustache, and the hair line. This technology provides patients with natural-looking results with minimal downtime following the procedure and is typically performed in about half the time as other hair restoration procedures.

Why Choose The Neograft Hair Restoration Method?

No Visible Scar

NeoGraft Hair Restoration has pioneered automated follicular unit hair transplants in America. Today our patients enjoy no unsightly linear scar on the back of their head.

Fast Recovery

Compared to traditional hair transplant methods, NeoGraft is minimally invasive and other than some minor swelling and itching, patients report they return to their routine within a week.

Natural Looking Results

Hair transplants have come along way from the cliche “hair plugs” and “doll hair.” Be confident knowing that Estetigraft’s, NeoGraft certified physicians are experts in drawing hairlines and delivering seamless results.

At Estetigraft, we understand how hair loss can effect your personal and professional life. Hair replacement surgery can enhance both your appearance and your self-confidence. The NeoGraft hair transplant procedure provides patients with a number of benefits including natural-looking results with fewer risks of complications, no scars, and fewer activity limitations. Future of hair restoration.

At Estetigraft, 0ur team of plastic surgeons, nurses and staff are in our state-of-the-art plastic surgery center in Palm Beach Gardens. Accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), Estetigraft’s facility is a premier Plastic Surgery Center.

Estetigraft continually strives to provide its patients with access to the latest advances in medical technology. We follow strict standards for confirming safety and efficacy before using new tools or offering new services to our patients.

To schedule an appointment with our board-certified plastic surgeons or if you have questions about Neograft hair transplants, please call 561.776.9555.