Protecting Your Scalp and Hair from Summer Sun Damage


The importance of sunscreen during the summer months is well known, especially here in South Florida. While applying sunscreen, how often do you remember to protect your scalp and hair? The harsh elements of summer, sun and wind, can lead to damaged hair and scalp. Protecting your hair and scalp during the summer months can help to protect against long term damage.

Your scalp is no less prone to sun damage that the rest of your skin. Neglecting to protect your scalp from the sun could potentially lead to skin cancer. Even women can experience sunburn on their scalp if not protected from the sun. Individuals with thinning hair should be especially cautious when it comes to providing adequate protection from sun damage on the scalp.

Covering your scalp with a hat or applying sunscreen can offer protection from the sun’s damaging rays. Apply sunscreen to the scalp where the hair parts to protect the skin that is exposed to the sun. Don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen often, especially when in the water or during activities where you may be sweating.

Exposure to the sun, wind, and salt water can lead to weak, brittle, and dry hair. This damage can eventually lead to split ends, thinning, breakage, and even hair loss.

If you are experiencing hair loss, Estetigraft provides patients with Neograft hair restoration West Palm Beach, the latest in hair replacement technology. Neograft the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is the newest hair transplant technique. The method is used to treat male pattern baldness and female baldness in almost half the time of any other hair restoration procedure. For more information about Neograft please call us today.