Hair loss due to the genetics factor (Androgentic Alopecia) occurs when the body converts testosterone to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a hormone that creates inflammation at the hair follicle level. This all happens in microscopic proportion so the inflammation goes unnoticed. Therefore, redness, tenderness or fever are rarely present. After a long period of inflammation, the hair follicle dies and this is permanent. The only way to restore hair is through the implantation of a new hair follicles with hair transplant surgery. Due to the slow transition of thinning hair, many men and women will not notice hair loss until they have lost 50% of their hair density. Hair loss begins early for those with a predisposition, usually in their 20’s and 30’s. Only 40% will present with a more severe condition. This blog was created specifically for the early stage age group, the millennials, to help them diagnose this condition. Thus, providing a preventative approach before is too late. Please take note of the following symptoms:

Baldness Scale - Estetigraft Hair Restoration and Transplantation


  • Hair Thinning and Hair Loss- An average person without any condition can lose 50-100 hairs per day. Losing more than 100 hairs per day should raise a red flag for a genetic predisposition for hair loss.  In addition, transitional circumstances such as childbirth or a serious illness may also cause hair loss.
  • In men hair loss usually begins at the temple and crown areas and advances to other parts of the head producing an M-shaped pattern. In women, hair loss is typically more evenly distributed and more difficult to notice. The top of the head and down the middle is most common; we call that a “Christmas tree” pattern. If a patient presents with a complete loss of hair on the scalp it may be due to a completely different diagnosis such as Alopecia Areata.
  • If genetics is the cause of your hair loss, then it is highly probable that other members will present with the same condition. Look at male relatives from both sides of your family, including your grandfathers, father, uncles, older brothers and male cousins. If they still have a head full of hair, then chances are your hair loss is not genetic. Genes causing baldness are usually passed from mother to son, though fathers can also pass those genes. The more relatives you see who are balding, the greater the chances are of you losing your hair due to your genetics.


Hereditary-pattern (androgenetic alopecia) hair loss is diagnosed by visual examination (pattern) and history. As mentioned, family members that present with similar patterns of hair loss should indicate that the potential patient might also carry the genes for balding.  No other test is necessary to create a solid case for most people.

Hair loss treatments

Genetic pattern hair loss is definitely a permanent condition. It is only a matter of time for the condition to fully present itself. However, the best defense for hair loss is prevention. Please look at our blog post to find out the many options for hair loss prevention. If you are passed the point of prevention then the last resource is a hair transplant procedure. Before deciding on any type of procedure it is important to do some thorough research in order to find the most effective options. Unfortunately, due to a lack of knowledge and many times financial motivation, medical practitioners place their interest before the interest of the patient.

Estetigraft hair restoration is part of the Estetica Institute plastic surgery center located in South Florida, Palm Beach. For more information please contact at 561-776-9555 or online at