Folecule Unit Extraction at Estetigraft Hair Restoration Transplantation at Estetica Institute of the Palm BeachesFollicular Unit Extraction Neograft Procedure

The NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplantation system is a leading edge technology for men and women looking to restore their hairline. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method gently removes the individual follicles from the back of the head (the “donor area”) in their naturally occurring groupings of about 1-4 hairs.

The follicles are then artistically implanted in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred. In effect complementing the facial structure and current hairline, resulting in a discrete, natural-looking hair transplant. NeoGraft’s minimally invasive hair transplant procedure is a much more desirable option for both men and women as opposed to traditional hair restoration methods.

Folecule Unit Extraction at Estetigraft Hair Restoration Transplantation at Estetica Institute of the Palm BeachesNEWEST HAIR TRANSPLANT TECHNIQUE

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is the newest hair transplant technique.  With this minimally invasive procedure grafts from the back of the head (donor area) are harvested individually and placed in the thinning or balding areas on the top of the head.

Therefore this differs from the older strip method that required a strip of skin to be removed from the back of the head, leaving an unsightly scar. As a result, the FUE method of hair restoration can treat male pattern baldness and female baldness/thinning in almost half the time of any other hair restoration procedure.

After years of research and development, FUE offers the least invasive hair transplantation with the lowest risk of complication.  FUE is safe, comfortable, effective and affordable – with minimal downtime and no linear scarring.


The traditional STRIP method (FUT) requires the physician to surgically cut and remove an area of the scalp from the back of the head, resulting in visible scarring and discomfort.  Follicles harvested using FUE utilizes a greater area in the donor zone, offering an unnoticeable decrease in density.

In addition to healing quickly and with no scarring, extractions performed using FUE causes less trauma to the dissected grafts, ultimately resulting in excellent growth.  Most FUT patients will never be able to have a short hair cut due to visible, thick scarring.  In addition, the FUT surgical strip procedure requires significant dissection and manipulation to prepare each individual follicle for implantation and may compromise the grafts.


  • No stitches; donor area appears significantly healed within days
  • Natural-looking and permanent results
  • Simple, outpatient procedure
  • Fast recovery; many patients return to work the next day
  • No scarring


At our hair restoration clinic at Estetica InstituteDr. DeLange and his team perform 100% of the Neograft Follicular Unit Extractions (FUE).  The members of the Estetica transplant division are among the most experienced FUE surgical teams worldwide. Our team has transplanted well over one million grafts with the FUE technique